The Author’s Corner

Who among us does not receive pleasure and solace from nature?

Whenever I need a break from writing and am in Maine, which is often, I love to visit the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay.

Talk about an upbeat experience and letting “the sun shine in” as proposed by those famous lyrics from Aquarius!

Smiles abound as one and all succumb to the magic of the resident trees, shrubs, and flowers. It is a happy place to spend a morning or afternoon.

I begin my walk in the Garden of Five Senses, which it goes without saying, is wheelchair friendly. It is here that visitors can smell fragrant roses and taste the culinary herbs parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. At the same time, it is hard to resist reaching out to touch the nearby smooth leaves of the Aloe Vera and the sandpapery edges of native ferns.


Here, bright colors from native flowers abound and a fountain merrily splashes in the center of the adjoining lily pond. Listen carefully and you may also be rewarded by the sounds of crickets or an occasional bullfrog.

Next comes a grassy expanse of lawn and then a cooling grape arbor where I can sit down and rest if I so choose.

Many other delights wait to be explored. They include a peaceful Meditation Garden, an historic whimsical Fairy Village, and an exciting Children’s Garden with whale sculptures that spout real water.

Of course, I never forget to stop at the on-site restaurant for a chocolate chip cookie on my way out.

The Botanical Gardens always provide a haven for the spirit and an experience that lasts until the next time.

See you there!